Thursday, April 16, 2009

Featured Programs

This week we will be talking about CCleaner, Defraggler and Recuva.

CCleaner is a program that cleans out your trash/recycle bin depending on what computer you are using. It also removes any temporary files that are created from using the Internet which are also known as cookies.

Defraggler is a simple yet powerful way to defragment your computer’s hard disc drive/drives. Defragmenting your hard drive is another way to free up space on your computer. When you save a paper for example you create a new copy of the file and keep the old file. When you defragment your hard drive you take all of the old files from your paper and put them into one convenient location. This does not harm your paper in any way.

Recuva is the program that can save your life when it comes down to crunch time. Take for example the accidentally deleted paper. You can run Recuva to possibly retrieve that deleted paper from the grave. Saving all your hard work and letting you finish the paper on time.

These programs can effectively increase the performance of your computer if used on a semi-regular basis. You can find all three programs at the following websites. -CCleaner - Defraggler - Recuva

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Tip of the Day

Have you ever been frustrated by Microsoft Office 2007? Have you ever been annoyed by the space that is added after paragraphs? Have you ever wanted to work on a paper at home or on an older version of Office? This is a tutorial that will take the "drama" out of using the new Microsoft Word. In other words this will show you how to customize your settings in Word so you don't have to deal with the frustration ever again.

From FredNet Tech Tips

Removing space between paragraphs

First you will want to open a window of Word. We are going to remove the space between the paragraphs. Go to the paragraph "ribbon" and click on the little triangle in the bottom right corner. A window will pop up window will appear that says paragraph at the top. In the spacing column there is a before and after. In the after box there should be a number, you will want to put that number to zero. Once you have done that you will want to click the default button. This will bring up a popup window where you will want to click yes. You have now removed the space between paragraphs for good. Every time you open a new word document you will not have spacing between paragraphs.

From FredNet Tech Tips

Changing default font and size

You will have however the wrong font and size for most classes here on campus. To remedy this, go to the font "ribbon" and click on the arrow thing in the bottom right corner of the section. This will bring up another popup window similar to the previous window only this one will say font on the top. In this window you can change your font and size by choosing from the drop down menus. Once you have selected your font, click the default button and click yes on the popup that follows. You have now set your default font and size.

From FredNet Tech Tips

From FredNet Tech Tips

Saving documents so they work with older versions of office

The last thing you can do is to change how the program will save your documents. If you want to work on a paper at home where you have the old version of office then you will want to turn on the compatibility mode. First click on the circle that is the menu. Then there should be an option that says Word Options on the bottom right corner of the menu. Click on this and go to the save tab to change the default save to 97-2003. Once you have done that you can click on the ok button.

From FredNet Tech Tips

Congratulations, you have just set up your Microsoft Word. Now Word is configured to what most teachers want when you write papers on campus. If you have any questions feel free to give us a call at 715-425-3733.